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Dr Angela Fong

Postdoctoral researcher in energetic material

Angela obtained her PhD from Heriot Watt University in 2019 under the supervision of Dr Scott J. Dalgarno, working on the synthesis and coordination chemistry of methylene bridge-substituted calix[4]arenes. She joined the Pulham group as a postdoctoral research associate in June 2019, working on the co-crystallisation of energetic materials.


Dr Xiaojiao Liu

Postdoctoral researcher 

High pressure single crystal diffraction, powder diffraction.


Dr Sumit Konar

Postdoctoral researcher 

Sumit obtained his PhD from Stockholm University under the supervision of Prof. Ulrich Häussermann in 2015. He joined Prof. Pulham’s group as a School of Chemistry five year post-doctoral research associate in January 2016. Sumit is actively involved in numerous areas of the Pulham group's research activities, and assists with undergraduate andpostgraduate teaching and supervision within the School of Chemistry. His particular research interests are in high pressure crystallographic studies of pharmaceutical and energetic materials.


Dr Oleg Nerushev

Postdoctoral Researcher in Lubricants under pressure

Oleg joined the Pulham group in 2015 on an industry-led project on lubricants under high pressure. His previous experimental works in Physical Chemistry (or Chemical Physics) cover a large range of phenomena and parameters (in particular across a pressure range  from 10^-10 to 10^+10 Pa!). It is not obvious why industry is interested in the REALLY HIGH pressure (1-10 GPa) properties of oil, unless you estimate pressures in cylinders or gear boxes of your car. Experimental research is based in Diamond Anvil Cells in conjunction with a number of spectroscopic techniques and microscopy.

PhD Students

PhD Students


Zixuan Wang

PhD student - 1st year

Zixuan Wang is currently working towards a computational screening for nucleating agents to match phase changing materials, in the light of generating a nucleating agent database, with the resulting technology marketed as a heat-storage battery. She is also working on unveiling the nucleation mechanism of phase changing materials. The process of triggering crystallisation for phase change materials has, until now, relied on trial and error, and represents a frustrating restriction in the development of new heat storage batteries that can function over a range of temperatures. Her project will introduce the central concepts of cheminformatics computational screening to this field, and to rationalise the process of finding new lead compounds. Her project is run in collaboration with Sunamp Ltd.


Edmund Morris

PhD student - 1st year

Edmund completed his BSc. in the University of Liverpool spending a year of which in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Edmund worked on surface properties and modification of trititanate nanotubes. Edmund gained further experience in solid-state chemistry during his MSc. project at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on a deeper understanding of the structures of wolframite and using automation to discover further possible wolframite materials in the ISCD database by developing new techniques to automate the comparison of solid-state structures. Edmund is now working on understanding the structures of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin in double-base propellants through experimental and computational techniques.


Qi Feng Chan (Aaron)

PhD student - 1st year

Aaron joined the group in November 2020 after completing his MChem at the University of Edinburgh. His final year project was on ‘aerogels as thermal insulation’ during his year-long industrial placement at Sunamp, an SME focused on thermal energy storage. His research focus is understanding energetic materials at extreme conditions with neutron diffraction.


Dilraj Mankoo

PhD student - 1st year

Dilraj (Dil) completed his BSc at The University of Reading in June 2020. He enjoyed working on developing ‘Ruthenium compounds for biomedical applications’ under the guidance of Professor Christine J Cardin and Dr Kane T McQuaid for his dissertation. 

Although he loves the puzzles of Organic Chemistry and retrosynthesis, he loves to delve into the realms of medicine and theoretical chemistry; often citing ideas that many drugs and compounds can be inspired by nature. 

He also enjoys playing Saxophone and Piano in his spare time to help him relax, as well as exploring new places.


Monica Chandwani

PhD student - 1st year

Monica completed her MChem at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Her final year project involved studying the amorphous form at high pressure under the supervision of Dr. Iain Oswald. Her course also included a 6 month placement in France at Servier where she focused at increasing the solubility of a poorly water soluble drug by forming amorphous solid dispersions. Monica joined the Pulham group in 2020 to work on understanding amorphous energetic materials.


Rebecca Ravotti

PhD student - 1st year

Rebecca obtained her BSc. in Chemistry at the University of Turin in 2014. She moved to Switzerland in 2015, where she pursued a MSc. degree in Molecular Technologies with an industrial thesis at Roche Diagnostics International Ltd. on the nano-encapsulation of dyes and surface modification of polymers for health care applications.

After obtaining her MSc. degree in 2017, she worked for two years as a research associate on a wide variety of subjects.

She joined the Pulham group in 2020 to pursue her PhD, working on polymorphic esters for thermal energy storage applications.


Hannah Logan

PhD student - 2nd year

Hannah joined the group in September 2019 after completing her Masters at the University of Edinburgh. Having completed a year in industry with Sunamp, an SME focussed on the development of thermal-energy storage and a Masters project in the Pulham group developing high temperature solid-solid phase-change materials (PCMs), she continues to work in developing and understanding phase change materials for Sunamp. Her research focus is understanding the mechanism of nucleation in PCMs and the further development of materials for cold-storage applications.


Akachai Khumsri

PhD student - 3rd year

Akachai obtained his MChem degree from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2012 under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mongkol Sukwattanasinitt. His previous research experiences was in organic synthesis working on cyanide fluorescent sensors from diphenylacetylene derivatives. He then worked at the Michelin Company for four years as a material development engineer. He joined the Pulham group in Sep 2018 to pursue his PhD, working on studies of environmentally benign propellants.

Akachai is funded by the Royal Thai Government Scholarship, Ministry of Defence.



Nisa Atceken

PhD student - Final year

Nisa completed her BSc in Chemical Engineering at Yildiz Technical University, Turkey. She subsequently obtained an MSc in bioengineering in 2016, on a TUBITAK sponsored project, crystallizing enzymes. In Nov 2017, Nisa joined the Pulham group to pursue her PhD, working on the co-crystallisation of Energetic materials.

Nisa is funded by Turkish Minister of Education.

Emily Goddard.jpg

Emily Goddard

PhD student - Final year

Emily joined the group in October 2016 after completing her MChem at the university of Edinburgh. Her undergraduate project under Stephen Moggach was in the field of high pressure crystallography, studying ZIF-8 with varying hydrostatic media. She is now working on the encapsulation of various phase change materials (PCMs) for energy storage applications.

MSc Students


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Undergraduate Students

The Pulham Group

Prof. Colin R. Pulham

EaStChem School of Chemistry

The University of Edinburgh

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